DSA Roadmap For Beginners

Aditya Tiwari
2 min readJun 7, 2024


I’m Aditya Tiwari, an Android Developer with 2+ years of experience building user-friendly apps (Kotlin, Java Retrofit, Android SDK), having strong Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) knowledge Solved over 300+ problems on GFG and LeetCode At Inofie Technologies, I built 13+ apps with over of 50k+ downloads I’m also proficient in React Native and version control (Bitbucket, GitLab, etc.).

Choose a Language (Recommended: C++ or Java):
● Select a language that suits your comfort and preference.
● C++ and Java are highly recommended due to their popularity and extensive use in competitive programming.

Learn the Language Basics and OOP Concepts:
● Master the fundamental syntax and basic concepts of your chosen language.
● Get a solid understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles without diving too deep initially.

Start with Arrays and Strings:
● Begin with solving 20–25 problems each for arrays and strings at Easy and Medium levels.
● Move on to other data structures such as Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues.

Learn About Algorithms:
● Explore fundamental algorithms: Searching, Sorting, Recursion, Backtracking, Dynamic Programming (DP), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and Depth-First Search (DFS).
● Understand the principles and real-world applications of each algorithm.

Deep Dive into Each Topic with Geeks for Geeks:
● Revisit each data structure and algorithm, focusing on commonly asked questions on platforms like Geeks for Geeks.
● Practice problem-solving with a goal to understand various problem-solving patterns.

Regular 30-Minute Revisions:
● Make it a habit to revise the concepts regularly for 30 minutes each day.
● Reinforce your understanding of key topics to ensure long-term retention.
● Use flashcards, create summaries, or solve a quick problem during these revision sessions.

Tips for Success:
● Join online coding platforms and communities for discussions and exposure to different problem-solving approaches.
● Participate in coding contests to apply your knowledge in a time-constrained environment.
● Build small projects incorporating DSA concepts to solidify your understanding. Remember:
● Rome wasn’t built in a day; take your time to understand each concept thoroughly.
● Consistent practice and revision are the keys to mastering Data Structures and Algorithms.
● Enjoy the learning process, and celebrate small victories along the way.



Aditya Tiwari

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